Day 19 – My Grieving Mentor

It seems like most of my life I have wanted a mentor. One amazing woman who poured her life and wisdom into me once reminded me (confirming what my husband said) no one person can mentor you in everything.

Throughout my life, God has brought me mentors for different areas of my life.

I had a prayer mentor who started teaching me the importance of prayer when I was just a toddler.

I had a life mentor I respected but didn’t listen to when I was a young adult. If I’d listened to her wisdom and spent more time with her, I would have avoided much heartache and pain.

I had a youth ministry mentor who taught me the basics of the ministry then sent me out to do it with his full support and blessing.

I had a precious mentor who taught me about being a woman in ministry, marriage, parenting and growing closer to God through the Holy Spirit.

I had a Bible study mentor who taught me the importance of meeting with other women to study the Word together.

I had a mama mentor who let me be with her in the hospital the day her baby girl was born. She also asked me to help her overnight when her husband was out of town and I got to take the night shift in caring for her little one so she could sleep. I’d never been with a newborn before and it was amazing training. I got to babysit her littles when she didn’t trust others to do it and it prepared me to be a better mama. I remember my arms aching when I’d put those little ones to bed. It was an emotional ache because it was before my “bigs” were born, but it was also physical, because my body wasn’t used to carrying around little humans all the time.

There are many more mentors I could list, but my Bright Shining Starr is highlighted in heart tonight.

Tonight, as I prepare for the 2 year anniversary of losing our littlest one, I am so grateful for the woman who gave me these gorgeous flowers accompanied by a tender card and blessings and prayers and hugs. She lost the love of her life 9 years ago and we are connected because our anniversary/memorial dates are 1 day apart. We have only known each other for just over a year and, yet, God has taught me SO much through this precious one and her grieving journey.

“Some days are harder than others” she told me, “Some years I remember things not as clearly and tenderly than others.” She often talks about her husband and their life together and always with longing. I admire her authenticity with me and honesty. She tells me that I can only be me and grieve the way I need to, trusting God to be with me through it. She assured me that it’s ok and good that I still mourn my baby even through it’s been 2 years and I never got to hold (her). For the last 2 weeks she has been asking “how is your heart?” What good training and mentoring. One of the best gifts of this year has been God giving me this woman to help me walk through this loss. What a gift she is. I want to be a gift like that to others.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:18

My Prayer for you:

My prayer is that we would be able to walk others through their grieving processes with this kind of grace. I pray God will bring you a grieving mentor, too.

A Prayer You Could Pray:

Dear Jesus, I am still grieving and I need Your comfort. Please send it through Your Word, Your Church, and someone who understands how I feel and can love me through this time. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Things to Ponder, Pray and Journal:

  • Who is someone who has lost a loved one that you can go to for wisdom and guidance?
  • How do you want God to comfort you in this time?
  • Is there already someone in your life who needs you to be a grieving mentor for them? If so, call her/him today. If not, be on the lookout… God wants to use this pain for His glory, dear one.

Day 16 – Our First Christmas Without


This Christmas was sparkling and wonderful.  It was also very tender.  My husband and I found ourselves clinging to each other in tears a couple times this season longing for our littlest one.  There were a few especially hard moments. I’ll tell you about some of them, but some I’m treasuring in my heart. Here are a few of the hard moments from this Christmas:

As I was pulling out the stockings to prepare to decorate for Christmas, I found a blank stocking waiting to be personalized with our baby’s name. I found out I was pregnant just after Christmas, so I got an extra stocking to be ready for this year. Sometimes being prepared has backlash consequences. Things don’t always turn out the way you expect them to. I wasn’t expecting to see the extra stocking. I forgot it was there and then to protect my husband and the kids, I hid it quickly and told my husband about it later. I didn’t want to let our loss taint any more of our celebrations, but there were other things that came up I hadn’t prepared myself for, as well.

I honestly had no way to be ready for what it would be like without our littlest one this Christmas.

As I put out the Nativity scene collection, I couldn’t help but put baby Jesus in Mary’s arms in our Precious Moments set. When I got out the kids’ ornaments, I was stingingly aware that there would not be a pink 1st Christmas ornament for this little one.

I didn’t have to bundle a little one up for our Christmas light drive. I didn’t have my 3-month-old to quiet down during the candlelight service. I walked into the mall empty handed behind the other 3 hanging on Daddy for our annual consumerism v. contentment awareness trip.

And yet…

It was a wonderful Christmas. I loved our Christmas morning carolers (our kids wake us up by singing Christmas carols on Christmas morning) and long-awaited gift-giving. Our littlest gift will remain a surprise until we can hold (her) in our arms in Jesus’ presence.  Until then, my arms ache a bit and my heart hurts.  I’ll cuddle my stuffed Baby Bear tonight and be homesick for my baby.

I don’t know what your first Christmas without your little one was (or will be) like, but…

My Prayer for you:

May you have beautiful distractions and moments of tender remembrance of your little one.  May Jesus be as close as the air you breathe.  May you breathe in His grace and breathe out His praise no matter how you are feeling.

A Prayer you Could Pray:

Dear Jesus, Seeing Mary holding You in all the Nativity sets makes me miss my little one.  I know You are holding that child and so I’ll rest in the fact that You know best and love that little one even more than I do.  But please be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay close by me forever and ever I pray.  Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care and take me to Heaven to live with You… and my baby… there.  In Your time and in Your name, Amen

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”  John 14:1-3

“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19

Things to Ponder, Pray, and Journal about:

  • What is a Christmas tradition you will miss doing with your child?
  • Who is someone who needs a little Christmas blessing from you with a warm hug and a few moments set aside to listen to how she’s really doing?
  • What is a Christmas gift you could give Jesus in honor of your child this year? (a donation to an orphanage or adoption agency, a visit to a Children’s Hospital, Operation Christmas Child box, etc)